Fresco Golf's Atletico accessory pouch bag in black/gray/white. Handcrafted in Florence, Italy.
Shipping: This product takes 2 to 3 weeks to arrive. Please understand that it is made to order, shipped from Italy to us, and then to you.
Monogram: Would you like your bag monogrammed with your initials? We can do it at no charge. Let us know in your order notes what initials you want (3 letters max) and if you want it on the inside or outside of the bag.
Weight: 0.3 kg
Dimensions: 28 x 10 x 13 cm
Features: zip closure, waterproofed calf leather, side handle
Custom Order: Prefer a different color combination then what you see? Feel free to href=" title="contact us">contact us with your ideas.
Atletico Accessory Pouch Black/Gray/White